Galileo, Genetics and the Greens
[Science, Progress and Being Human]

Wednesdays 3-5pm
from January 25th 2006

Centre for Lifelong Learning,
Newcastle upon Tyne

Location Map

Tutor: Dr Caspar Hewett

Caspar Hewett This ten week course will examine the development of humanist ideas and the changing notion of progress from the Scientific Revolution through to the present. Copernicus, Galileo, Bacon, Descartes, Kepler and Newton, who shunned the authority of the past and established the scientific method will be studied along with Enlightenment thinkers such as Locke, Voltaire and Condorcet who elevated humanity and established the notion of progress. Positivism will be examined, focusing on how the ideas of social and technological progress were divorced. The work of Darwin and Mendel, which placed humanity firmly in nature once and for all, will be investigated and its consequences discussed.
The last part of the course will consist of a study of the 20th Century, moving from modernist thought and modern humanism through to Postmodernism, the end of history and the rise of the Greens. Parallels between theories developed across disciplines and reasons for their similarities will be investigated.

For further details
Tel: 0191 515 2800
Fax 0191 515 2890

Click Here for full listing of CLL Natural World programme


Sex, Intention and Intelligence by Caspar Hewett

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Principal texts

The Ascent of Man by Joseph Bronowski
Man, Beast and Zombie by Kenan Malik
Science and the Retreat from Reason by John Gillott and Manjit Kumar

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